The Humplex @ Facebook
Yay, the Humhunks are now on Facebook! I'll be adding guides, tips and sneak previews there in the future. Click on the like button and join us~! :D
Yay, the Humhunks are now on Facebook! I'll be adding guides, tips and sneak previews there in the future. Click on the like button and join us~! :D
Labels: news
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Humplex by Humbuged is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
D: The Facebook Page was closed?
Menntaiko, yes, I had to open a newer one :)
Sadly many of us can't like you on facebook because we don't want the entire world to know we like gay elf porn. Even if it is amazingly delicious.
Dear hum
whenever i try to access your facebook page it auto redirects me to my home page on facebook
why is this?
It's a shame I refuse to get a Facebook. This is the most tempting reason to get one so far. Ah well.
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