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January 31, 2008

Extended Stay

Hey everyone :) It seems I have to extend my stay here :O I think I'll back home on Wednesday, at least. My bro wants to borrow the car. Without it I can't go back :P I can borrow a laptop though so that's good :D Have you all kept Xerude busy? XD

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January 26, 2008

Taking a Break

Hey people :) I'll be leaving tomorrow to visit my bro at his place. Will be back on Feb 1st. I need a break anyway. That MGS flash game really took a lot outta me lol my back is still sore from sitting too much.

It's too bad I can't bring the laptop now but I still have my DS. At least I have a way to draw my horny elves while I'm away XD In the meantime, I've gotten some help to take care of you all while I'm away ;)

Daddy Xerude Rough

You all play nice now and remember, take care of your health!

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January 23, 2008

Naked Snake Masturbates (Game)

Well, took a few days to do this. I this every Flash takes a few days to do, yeah? Well, especially when one doesn't know how to use actionscripts! Thank god for Google :D

So here's that Snake masturbating flash that I promised waaaay back when I did a poll. It turned out to be a mini game though :P Click on the picture and it'll take you to Newgrounds :) Have fun!

Solid Snake Masturbates

Lol, ok some of you have been saying that the game is hard (no pun intended). Parakirby gave a tip at y!gallery on how to skip to the next stage:

Right Click -> Play

So, use it wisely XD

More games in the HUMRcade section.

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January 18, 2008

New Winged Keric T-shirt Colors!

I've added some new colors for guys t-shirts at The Humshop :)

Price is only USD$19.99 :D

Winged Keric (Blue & White / Guys)

Winged Keric (Blue & White / Guys)

Winged Keric (Red & Yellow / Guys)

Winged Keric (Red & Yellow / Guys)

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January 17, 2008

Modem Problems?

Lol I know I know how many problems can a guy have right? Well I think I'll be buying a new ethernet modem. The old usb modem is creating a problem for me. The shop I've bought it at didn't help me much either. The phone line man came by and tested an ethernet modem and it worked flawlessly :O So I'll be heading to a new shop today. Out with the old and in with the new right guys? :) At least I managed to ink the second page of Sauna Slumber today! :D I hope by this afternoon I'll be able to join the internet masses again :) See you all in a bit! :B

Update: Well I've gotten a new ethernet router! Works smoooooth. It has only been a few minutes though so we'll see, but I'm dancing in the rain right now, yeehaw! XD

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January 16, 2008

11111K Hit Art on Furaffinity

A masturbating Phoenix Wright for Minimoni :)

Phoenix Wright Masturbating

Messy version here

Well, there's some good news and bad news. The good news is that my dad has a voltage stabilizer that was hidden in the store room. Tested it out and it works great! Now my comp doesn't shut down anymore, whee!

Bad news, something wrong with the phone line. I keep getting disconnected every 30 seconds or so. You can imagine how hard it is just to post this post 8| Ah, well one crisis at a time :) Hope you all are doing ok :D

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January 15, 2008

10K Hit Art at Furaffinity for Eustache

This one is for Eustache over at Furaffinity :)

10K Hit Art, Rim Job

Messy version here

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New Year's OC

Hmm, I can't believe I forgot to put this pic here :O

New Year's OC

Bo Gilliam and me had a fun time oc-ing during the new year ^_^ I drew Beau (with a hard on!) and Bo drew Arus~ So cute

Oh yeah, I drew those lil Chibis too

Happy New Year 2008 everyone!!

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Solrin & Kou's Avatar, Oral (Commission)

Yay, nailed another commission piece :) This one is for Kou. He wanted a pic of his original character, Solrin (the one in the bandages) and of his avatar. I suggested if he wanted a naughty pic and he didn't say no, hehe XD

Solrin & Kou's Avatar, Oral (Commission)

Oh and an update on the manga and flash. Man, both are hard lol. For the manga, I'm trying to make it look authentically Japanese as possible but well we'll just see :P Toning is a whole different thing that just putting them in like how I would do colors 8|

For Keric's Komplex Chapter 3 it's easier for me to be look up the codes in previous games that I need. Cause it's been awhile and well I fergot most of the AS stuff hehe XD I'm keeping it as a Flash 7 game so that it works on most of the stuff that's able to play flash. I'm just wondering, did anyone try playing the flash games on their smart phones? XD Lol I'm imagining a touching game on the iPhone. You use your finger to point & click on that right? ;D Hahahaha, oh what fun!

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January 14, 2008

Xinarse (Commission) & Pricing Update

Hello everyone! I'm doing good here. Except my line keeps getting disconnected, it's so annoying...Hehe, I seem to have a lot of computer related problems don't I? No worries! I'll pull through this I'm sure :)

I've just finished a commission for Sar. He wanted me to draw his original character Xinarse (he's so cool!). From the description he gave me, here's what I came up with.

Xinarse (Sar's Original Character, Commission)

Why a non nude commission?! Haha, it was pretty fun to design the weapon for Xinarse.

I've also updated the price list in the Commissions FAQ page. Go on ahead an check it out. And the moment you've been waiting for! (Well, those who want to commission me anyway). The commission slots will be opened on Saturday, 19th of January 2008! Whoopeeeeee :D

Also, notice that I've put up "Slots Available" and "Slots Done" right there under the Commissions column? That will tell you how many slots are available for that time period and show you how many I've done XD Just hope this added info will be good for everyone to know hehe.

Lastly, I'd like to thank you to all of you who have put some tips in the Tips Jar :D Your support means so much, thank you!

Hum, over and out ;)

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January 9, 2008


Well, I needed to draw SOMEthing tonight and I did...a floating torso...Lol


I call him Zeoh. I like hia hair. It looks like a...hawk or something :P I'm thinking he should have a lean body and tall. Lol, ok all my boys are tall ('cept for Cyl) I can't help it XD I'm thinking Zeoh should have a swimmer's body. Lean, sleek, silky & great to touch haha.

I actually had another picture of him. Full body, naked. But when I saved it, my comp crashed so it was adios naked full body Zeoh :P Sigh, I need that voltage regulator thingy soon :P

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January 8, 2008

News on Keric's Komplex Chapter 3

Well people, I've got great news :D It's been a few years since the last chapter hasn't it? :P So, armed with new and very little knowledge in flash game making, I've begun work on the next chapter of Keric's Komplex! Wheeeeee, exciting, yes? Spread the word XD

Preview of Keric's Komplex Chapter 3 Title Screen

2008 is looking good :)

PS - The previous chapters were down, but I've fixed the link now. It'll take you Newgrounds :)

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January 2, 2008

Happy New Year: 2008

All of us here at The Humplex want to wish a very Happy New Year to everyone! :D

Happy New Year 2008

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